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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ultrasound! Check!

So I hustled over there for my 3:15 check in for my 3:30 ultrasound to see if the One Remaining Evil Ovary was okay for surgery.

Let's just say at around 4:00 PM, I saw a work buddy stroll by (there for a heart scan) while I was still waiting.  During the time in the waiting room I was with a family, Mom, two boys and Grandma who were waiting for Grandma's x-ray.  Lots of talk of Grandma being cranky as she had run out of morphine patches and did not want to take her liquid morphine.  Mom and Grandma both had that Been Smokin' Our Whole Life voice.

If you have not started smoking, do not start.  If you do smoke, please stop immediately.  Enough said!

My little ultrasound tech person was really cute, kind of like an Ultrasound Barbie. She asked me if I knew that I was getting a Trans Vaginal Orchestra, I mean ultrasound today. I was tempted to tell her I did know that but I had temporarily forgotten when I ordered a bean burrito deluxe for lunch!

  Because of her overall cuteness, I did not try to bully the results out of her.  However, she did seem to me to be reacting as if there was nothing there. She kept on saying "Hmmmm....hmmmmm....hmmmmmmm...." but not in a particularly concerned fashion.  I finally told her that my Evil Left Ovary was missing.

She commented that she did not know you could donate a kidney to someone you did not know.  "You can donate a kidney to just anybody?" 

Not really.  You can only donate to someone who will really be able to put it to good use.

My plan was to have the Transplant Coordinator Lady be the bad guy and bully Ultrasound Barbie for the results, but when I called TCL as I was leaving, I was told she went home already today.

A strange thing happened when I was walking out to my car.  As is normal at most hospitals, you can only park approximately one mile from the entrance..and I could hear, despite my hood up (it was snowink, dahlink) someone not quite running, but coming up fast behind me as I walked to the parking structure. I moved over so he could pass but it turned out he was just trying to see who it was behind the hood. Once he saw my face, he just turned and went the other way. (I did smile at him and he said "Oh, hi")

I hope he finds her!  And I feel sorry for someone who has this same ugly coat!

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