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Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am amazed by all the people that are amazed.  I am embarrassed.

It is amazing to be part of this process.  I believe that my whole life has prepared me to do this.  Let's hope.  And in recent days, lots of very supportive people have come forward. 

My favorite thing, so far, was my dad called today and left a message on my cell phone.  (I had not told him either, until I told my mom. I would never ask my dad to keep a secret from my mom nor he would he, in part because he cannot keep a secret from anyone at any time.  We all have a story about that--each time he apologizes by saying "I am not sure how THAT slipped out!" in his Texas drawl. Ahem.  He also does that wheezing laugh which clearly cancels out any "apology".)

My dad sounds a lot like John Wayne.  He is a big Texan (transplanted to "Colorada") His phone messages are very deliberately spoken.  You can tell when someone is listening to a message from my dad...the phone is held far from the ear, the smile is wide.

 He said (John Wayne voice)"Laura Lee. This your dear old dad calling. Well, I am very glad you are a donating a kidney.  I am too selfish to do something like that. (Wild Whispering from my Mother in the Background)  Okay, just wanted to say it helps out more than just one person.  That's it."

Thanks Mom and Dad and everybody else too.  One more day of last minute tests.....drinking lots of water....bowel prep..I think I can find that Dave Barry article about it....packing bag....I am getting ready. 

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