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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Head Doctor is Part of The Fun

First of all, do not google the lyrics of the song Head Doctor, like I just did because they pretty much scar you for life. Snoop, what a talent!

So, as part of the testing they, the transplant team, have the potential donor go see a psychiatrist and possibly do some work to "buff up" some of the areas of their life that might need "buffing up" in regards to being mentally ready to donate.  I was once again, quite fascinated with use of the term "buff up" but I have tried to avoid adding it to my own vocabulary. 

The day of the visit, in which I had wisely scheduled all of the other consulations, I thought that it was a good idea to take the stairs up to the good doctor's office (four flights) and I was pretty hot and sweaty once I got up there, to arrive to a locked door.  Called from cell phone in the hall.  Called from office next door because I did not have any bars on my phone in that building.

Interesting Side Note: Cell phones are often scrambled in medical plazas.  This surely do sucketh.

Finally got in to the office (apparently some nutty patient had locked the door and then not commented to anyone when I demurely, like Attila the Hun, beat on it to no avail) the good doctor told me that since the door was locked and there was a delay, I would just have to come back another day. I told her I had taken the whole day off and was quite sure she could talk fast and I could too!  She went for it!  Hurray!  Otherwise, this whole thing may have gone to you know what if I had a tantrum!

I don't know about you, but I like talking about myself, and it was not too bad at all.  The only bad part was the auctioneer like talking. 

She seemed to understand when I told her that the only thing I was worried about was people judging me for wanting to do this.  I do not want people to think that I am so great or so altruistic or feel that I think they are bad or anything else because of my choice to donate.  I am also paranoid about people thinking about my motivation.  It really is not anyone else's business but I understand why people need to know.  I have always had a problem with people assigning malicious intentions to normal everyday things that we all do.  I also have a problem with anyone thinking I do anything because I am such a saint or a martyr or whatever.

You may so to yourself that no one does that!  Oh, they do!  It is painful to me.

I have an adopted child and one of the worst things EVER has been when people insinuate we did our daughter such a big favor by adopting her.  People have questioned the motivation to adopt a special needs child.

This is how it worked in that case: She needed a mom.  I needed to be her mom.  We both won and I am the big winner, as are my bio kids, my parents, my ex-husband and his brood and so on.  A lot of lives are better because she is ours now.

This is how it works in regards to the kidney.  Someone needs a kidney.  I have two good ones and the kind of good life that allows me to share.  I would much rather be in a position to be able to give a kidney than to need a kidney.  Maybe if I were more evolved, I would be the person needing a kidney!

I am not a good Bible thumper but I do believe. I believe this is how God works: He prepares us for what we can do that will bring goodness and joy to ourselves and other people.  Just as I knew that cute boy a long time ago that needed a kidney, I also knew a cute girl that was adopted.  In both cases, God was blessing ME by letting me know them.

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