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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cross Match Numeros Dos y Tres

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny compared to what lies within us." ~Walt Emerson

My first cross match test was with Arnold and there was no "fighting in the petrie dish" but there was another person that was a better match so I did not donate to my friend who was the one I had in mind when I originally tested to be a living kidney donor .

My second cross match test was with 3 people waiting for a kidney for a long time.  In two cases, lots of fighting in the petrie dish.  There was one that was "negative" meaning no fighting in the petrie dish.

Well, well, well, as it turns out, the intended recipient could not receive a donation due to some physical and emotional stuff going on at this time.

My son said "He just did not want your dirty kidney." LOVE MY BOY!  We all have that same "wrong"sense of humor in this crowd. I prayed for the intended and it was time to move on.

Transplant Coordinator Lady called and asked me if I wanted to test again?  Absolutely!  She asked if I wanted to make sure the recipient had any special qualities. I told her that I wanted it to be truly altruistic, but at the same time, would like it if the recipient was really ready to go and it would feel better to me to donate to someone under 60.  She understood and agreed.

Today was test number three...who knows what will happen.  My favorite phlebotomist was back and he was very encouraging.  He said he knew I would keep on trying.  (He also referred to me as his Super Star Girl Friend, but that is just all in good fun.)

Keep your fingers crossed, and whatever else. 

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