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Friday, January 14, 2011

Cross Match Number 3 Results are Negative, which is GOOD

I went for the third cross match test on Thursday, and the Transplant Coordinator Lady called me TODAY about the cross match.

Just to back up, yesterday I received a job offer that I accepted, and so today at work, I was thinking about what would happen when I leave in two weeks and how I hope my new job will be very kind about letting me take a week off to donate a kidney.  Now I know they would, but definitely not 100% clear about how the Whole Getting Paid for that Week Off would work since I would have a new job and no sick or vacation time to take.

Earlier today, before the Transplant Coordinator Lady called, I went to lunch with three friends from work, and one of them told me to be sure to call sick every day until I had used my sick time, because you just lose it if you dont use it.  I told him that I really did not have a way to do that, (without lying, right) and besides, I would not think that is a very classy thing to do...regardless when he said it a little light off went off in my head, like when your Sub-Conscious or an Angel of the Lord or whoever is saying "Hey Dummy, pay attention". 

Regardless, when the Transplant Lady called to tell me the good news that our cross match was negative, meaning no fighting in the petrie dish, I told her about the new job situation and that I was not sure when I could take time off.  Brilliant Lady that she is, (no sarcasm) she said: "What would happen if you did it before you started your new job?"


I think that would be so cool if I could work next week, donate my kidney the next week and start my new job the next week.  I know it sounds crazy, even to people who know me in real life, but when you think about it, that would be the BEST!

She presents "our case" to the transplant board on Monday.  Stay tuned.

Man plans. God laughs.  But maybe this time, God made the plan? 

I told my captain at work about this whole situation. Imagine sitting in your office, trying to go home and your employee shows up to tell you that she is leaving in two weeks, but would like to just actually work one more week and donate a kidney the next week?  How does that sound, boss?  He was very nice about it.  I think "they" are going to go for it.

When you get right down to it, it takes a village to donate one kidney.  Maybe that will be my next post.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.  I mean it!!

Water in dream language represents emotions and feelings.....this is what my life feels like to me right now.....

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