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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Good, Bad and Ugly

Disclaimer: I am not a big fan of describing things as good or bad...lots of times we are too short sighted to know if something is good or bad...and I am a weirdo that thinks too much BUT there is so much going on right now!  There are certainly some things that I am hoping will change and some things I am very grateful about...

Today was my first day back at work, at a new job.  It was also below zero this morning.  I will let you in on a little secret: we do not get much below zero malarkey here in the Mile High City.  It is not the frozen tundra up here; as a matter of fact, we have over 300 sunshine days a year and our climate is High Desert.  Just because we live here does not mean we like, prepare for, or can cope with this HIDEOUS cold!

Someone had relieved my coat pockets (two coats searched) of their gloves.  I have the winning practice of placing a pair of those dollar fifty Target gloves in every coat I own, including hoodies.  Nada.  I am sure this same special someone is the person that relieved my car of its Deluxe Scraper Brush.  (To be fair, Mark had a spare one ready for me. I know I am not parking underground at my new job and will possibly need to Brush and Scrape before I can go home.) So I was crabbing about the No Gloves Situation, The Cold and Not Clear on What Hot Drink To Bring.  (No taste for coffee since the surgery, and the taste for tea is not quite back yet, either)

My car started right up (garage parked) and was On Empty.  The same special someone that may have Stolen All of My Gloves, also Still has My Debit Card Since She Needed it to Deposit/Cash her Paycheck on Saturday.  I entertained paranoid fantasies that I could not get any gas, in any fashion, due to the extreme cold and other payment options suddenly being unavailable.

I stopped to get gas (it was negative 10) and all went well. Except it was so cold that it made my coat crackle.

I arrived at work 10 minutes early.

Work was great.  Like it's a miracle kind of a great.  I still miss my old job.  Grieving that loss a little bit.

I went to the hospital to get my one week post-op labs done.  The Lab Guy, who is my buddy, and who has told me all his secrets, told me one about Albert today. He said that my recipient was struggling. I knew that Albert was going on for some more tests, but Lab Guy made it sound a lot more serious.  He said he is sure they can help him, but that Albert's body is fighting the kidney.  It is up to the transplant team to figure out the right drug combinations, and they have to keep him in the hospital to do that.  Lab Guy kept repeating that there was nothing to worry about, but it does worry me.  I cannot imagine how terrified Albert must be, even though he does not let on. 

Next, I went upstairs to see all the Transplant Coordinator Ladies (3) and all is well.  I am doing great.  I even lost 5 pounds since surgery, though I still look like I am pregnant.   The surgeon rolled his eyes at my many layers (long underwear etc) but said that my healing was going well and my scars looked great!  All of my levels in my blood and urine were just fine.  BP fine. 

One of the TCL recommended that I really think about being part of the donor movement.  I think that will happen.

I talked to an old friend from highschool on the phone.  She has a 6 month old baby girl. I miss my friend a lot and wish I could go see her, not to mention the baby.  It might be a while with my new job.

I had an email from my friends at Unnamed Police Department.  The donor for Arnold wrote an article about my donation to Albert.  That was pretty cool!  He got everything exactly right!

My family, as always, was happy to see me and full of stories. 

I called Albert, because I was worried about him and he talked a long, long time. I think he is lonely in the hospital.  His people have had to go back home and reinforcements have not arrived.  He and I found out that we both have participated in a sweat lodge with Wallace Black Elk. I do not ever talk about my sweat lodge experience, but as soon as he mentioned it, all of those memories came flooding back. He said that he wished Wallace was still around to help him, and maybe smudge his little rental house when he gets out of the hospital.  I told him that I am sure we can find someone to do that.  (I smudge my own house from time to time.)  We talked about how we were both Christians too.

Wallace Black Elk

I guess that is it.  I am posting a picture of my belly, one week post op that my 10 year old daughter took last night.  I am still very swollen, but so much better.  I hardly have any pain at all.  There are three little holes for the laporoscopic tools and the incision at the bottom for the kidney.  The red marks by the holes are where they clamped the skin, I think!  And yes, sharp eyed friends, that is a Free Bonfils shirt I have on. Bonfils has left me two messages that I missed my blood donation this time.  : )

If you are the praying kind, you know what to do.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there lady, I always enjoy reading your updates. I'm so thankful your healing process is going well. I still cannot believe you are back at work. You've had so many traumatic things going on with donating your kidney, and changing jobs. I say it again - you are one super-duper chicky. I'm so sorry to hear about Albert. So sorry that his body isn't accepting the new kidney well, and so sorry for his mental well being. Just breaks my heart to hear this. I have been praying - and my prayers continue. Sending healing prayers and loving thoughts to Albert, and for you too of course. :))
