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Saturday, February 5, 2011

No Wimps!

We went to see Albert tonight.  He commented that since the weather has been so bad in Denver this week, hardly anyone has come to see him.  He said he was surprised we made it in the snow today.  I asked him why in the world would he think I was a wimp?  Eye roll! 

Albert has not been able to eat his favorite food (guacamole) for six years.  The doctors say he can have it now, but no one at the hospital can get it for him. His relatives keep forgetting.  It was our honor to bring over guacamole tonight and a big bag of unsalted tortilla chips since he needs to keep his diet low sodium.

He looks like he is about 20 years younger.  Despite us begging him not to, he managed to pull up his shirt and show us his scar. HUGE!  But I can tell it is healing well. 

Later he commented that all of his friends ask him about me and almost always say something along the lines that they bet I am a very nice lady (think Pollyanna-ish) and they imagine he has to be really careful what he says!  He said one sister advised him NOT to meet the donor, because obviously the donor types are not going to be happy with someone like him.

He said they are all surprised when he tells them that I was a big smart aleck...and that I did not blink an eye about swearing...

Well, hell no. 

He waited until Mark was out of the room to say that all of his friends tease him that he has to pee sitting down now. Even one of the on call physicians teased him about having a woman's kidney!

 He said he did not want to say it in front of Mark because he knew Mark was a nice guy, but he knew I would get a big kick out of it.  I told him that most "boys" with little imaginations would make that joke and we must come up with a good come back!  He said, "that is why I am telling you, lady! "

I am so glad to see him doing so well. 

I am brainstorming on that come back too.  The first one that came to mind has to do with saying "No, but I have multiple...."  Oh, NEVER mind!
"No, but I can multi task"....."No, but I am matching my shoes and belt now",
"No, but I have noticed I do not go to dialysis anymore..."

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